Beginning To Feel like Myself Again

When I first started on this journey I was an absolute hot mess lol. When I look back at where I am now and how I feel compared to how I felt before, I am both amazed and proud of myself as to how far I have become. I feel like my self again and I'm dare to say even better than I was before. I remember reading all the websites & feeling even more depressed than I was before. Don't get me wrong I appreciate all those lovely blogs and websites but sometimes reading about all those symptoms, and things you should avoid eating etc. could put you in a really bad mood sometimes. That's when I decided to create my blog, I wanted my blog to be a place of hope for women with PCOS, somewhere you can read about stories of other women or girls with PCOS enjoying their lives and not letting PCOS define who they are or control their lives, a place where you would feel empowered to fight your PCOS.
 I mentioned this before in my post but I sat down one day and decided to stop referring to myself as a PCOS sufferer, I immediately  changed  my bio on twitter and all my other social media bios. I then referred to myself as a PCOS Survivor. Besides changing my diet another small little change that helped me was when friends or family asked me about it I always spoke about Pcos like I had already overcome it, for example I always say I 'had' PCOS instead of I ' have' PCOS. Doing and saying little things like that really helped me. It mentally prepared me to take on Pcos "It was like I was in a boxing ring, me on one side and Pcos on the other, and I already knew that I was going to be the champion, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so I can kick Pcos's butt in the ring" ha-ha I know that sounds a bit weird but you get my point right? Also having a strong faith  really helped me a lot, God has been there for me throughout this situation. I couldn't write this post without thanking him. And please don't get offended by my last statement, I hesitated a bit putting that last part in , I know some people get a bit sensitive at the mention of religion or beliefs. Your beliefs or your culture or background might be different from mine and that's ok  :) cause I'm not here to judge anyone. I'm just telling you my experience and how I dealt with my situation. I like to be honest with my readers .As my blog descriptions says "Just a girl speaking from the heart" Ok now that whole awkward part of the blog post is cleared up I should continue my story....
When I first started my journey I was put on birth control pills to treat my PCOS because I had missed 4 months of my period.
After some time on the birth control (around 5 months )I started to feel a bit ill . And I didn't necessarily liked the fact that The period you get when you're on oral contraceptives isn't even a real   The doctor I saw at the time recommend that I continue taking the BCP. I couldn't imagine taking this  for the rest if my life. I was horrified! Then one of my friends recommended me to this lovely doctor , I call her doctor C. (You can read about the lovely Doctor C in my post titled 'What's up Doc?' ) She prescribed to me a small dosage of metformin for 2 months. I know some people's experience with metformin hasn't been very nice (you can also read about my metformin experience in my posted tilted  'Metformin') I got my period on the 2 months  of being on metformin and I got my period after the two months without metformin .
The change In my diet also had me feeling more energetic than I was before. I'm even considering joining a professional yoga class & not just doing it from my computer watching YouTube videos lol. I've also started writing again-Someday if I ever build up the courage I may even post a few of my books on my Blog sometime for you guys to read. With the change in my diet and my mindset- I feel great! I'm a bit too energetic at times but I'm not complaining. I feel better than ever!! I'm actually smiling like a big weirdo while I'm writing this blog post ha-ha I just feel like busting a move to Pharell's song 'happy'. I hope each and everyone of you begin to feel how I'm feeling right now. If I can get through this so can you, I'm not some kind of superwoman or human 2.0. I'm an average girl writing her thoughts, feelings and experiences with Pcos for my lovely readers to read hoping that my posts will help at least on of you.. 
As always thank you for stopping by.
